Sunday, January 22, 2012

The best thing about January is it's almost over

This has not been one of my favorite months. The weather has been bizarre, getting horses races in the proper spots (or any spot for some) has been close to impossible and the few that have run have disappointed. That being said March is only a little over 5 weeks away which means that Spring will soon be here.

Target Practice had a nice pace set up to run into last night at Penn. He sat 5th behind a very quick pace and when he moved up to challenge going into the final turn I felt good about the way he was moving. However as soon as that thought crossed my mind I could see that he was no longer advancing on the tiring leader but was actually starting to labor. Once they straightened out in the stretch it was obvious that he no longer has it. He finished 7th, beaten far enough that keeping him in training is a mistake. Better to find him a new career while he is still sound and attractive to people looking for OTTB's than to chase cheap purses to no avail.

Fusaichi Pretty and All Peace N Quiet were entered yesterday at Parx in a $25000 nw2 race and maiden $12500 respectively. Neither race went nor did they draw enough entries to be brought back as extras. If I was a more paranoid sort I might believe that there is a conspiracy. February 2nd at Penn National in the same condition is the likely spot for FuPretty and January 28th in the maiden $25000 at Parx (where I will be running 2 PA breds) for All Peace n Quiet.

Angry Dragon is training well and there is a real shot that we will be entering her in a MSW at Parx on February 18th.

Hippocrates Jones is going to be entered for the races on the 28th at Penn National and should be tough as the brief freshening seems to have done him some good.

Normandruth is gearing back up and will be running sometime during February.

Southern Access was entered in the maiden 40000 races which did not go so she is in the 1st race on Tuesday which is a MSW going 6 furlongs at Parx. Again not the ideal spot but young horses don't get experience in the morning, they need to race.

Sweetjudyblue Eyes is in the 1st race on Monday which was not our 1st choice either. However she is training really well and most of the field consists of PA breds anyway.

Who We Gunna Call is still getting over a quarter crack issue but has resumed training and after watching the race at Penn National that he is eligible for I can't wait to get him ready for that spot.

Lloydobler is pointing to a maiden $7500 race going 6 furlongs at Penn National on February 3rd.

Cascades Comet is now going to be pointed to the maiden $25000 claiming race at Parx on the 28th since it appears that getting a PA bred MSW going two turns to fill is a near impossibility.

Red Baroness worked this morning at Parx in 49.93 and is a gate work away from being ready to run. There is a maiden $25000 going 5 1/2 on February 13th at Parx that we are tentatively looking at. While I believe that she will eventually find more success going longer on the turf this should be a good starting point for her.

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