Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Todays works

Rampillion and Graphite Halo worked 4 furlongs this morning at Churchill Downs, covering the distance in 50.80. The work got a little messed up when a out of control horse from Dale Romans split our fillies going to the pole to start the work and Rampillion wound up about 5 lengths ahead of Graphite Halo. Cherie who was aboard Graphite made the best of the situation by tucking in behind the other filly and getting her used to getting dirt thrown in her face which she didn't seem to care for very much. Rampillion basically was on her own and did well though Ryan said she was pretty tired after galloping out.

Comeback had his first official work going in 39.60 for three furlongs while in company with a unraced two year old of Bob Holthus. They did fine, he changed his leads and galloped out nicely. He was on the inside during the work and had no problems with a horse outside of him. Comeback will go a bit quicker for three furlongs next week.

Carl S. and Normanruth 'two minute licked' from the half mile pole together in their first work other than galloping. Both were fine though Carl S. towers over Rampillion who had to work to keep up with him.

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